
You already know that blogging is a core part of content marketing for your small business. But to seriously boost your lead generation, it’s time to think bigger. Content marketing offers a whole toolkit of possibilities – let’s dive in!

Why Think Beyond the Blog?

  • Reach a Wider Audience: Different people consume content in different ways. Some love videos, others prefer infographics. Broaden your reach to connect with more potential leads.
  • Maximize Your Efforts: Got a great blog post? It can become an infographic, a video script, and even a series of social media posts. More impact with the same core idea!
  • Cater to the Entire Funnel: Content isn’t just about attracting interest. It can guide leads through every stage until they become paying customers.

Content Types to Boost Lead Generation

Get ready to be inspired! Here are some formats that go above and beyond:

  • Webinars/Online Courses: Position yourself as the expert, offer value, and gain trust while gathering valuable lead info.
  • Downloadable Resources: Think ebooks, checklists, and in-depth guides that people will happily hand over their email address to access.
  • Interactive Content: Quizzes (“Which of our products is right for you?”) or calculators that solve a common problem for your audience are both fun and lead-generating.
  • Videos and Infographics: Break down complex topics into bite-sized formats, perfect for busy social media feeds and driving traffic to your site.

Steps for a Broader Content Strategy

Expanding your content horizons doesn’t need to be daunting. Here’s how to get organized:

  • Know Your People: What are your ideal customers’ biggest struggles? What kind of content helps them most?
  • Plan It Out: A content calendar keeps you consistent with your blog posts and your new, exciting content formats.
  • Capturing Those Leads: Clear calls to action (download, register, etc.) and strategic placement make all your content work for you.

The Measurement Factor

Don’t forget to track your results! See what types of content get the most clicks, the highest webinar signups, or most resource downloads. This tells you what to focus on.


Diverse content formats are a small business superpower for maximizing your marketing efforts. A blog is a great foundation, but building on it puts you ahead of the game. Ready to get creative? Think about how you might repurpose your best blog content into something new and exciting!

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