As a webmaster or blogger, you may also wonder what is the exact meaning of backlink and how the backlinking process actually works? Right?

In this blog, I’ll tell you the answer to the following questions:-

  • What Is A Backlink?
  • Types Of Backlinks?
  • Why Do You Need Backlinks?
  • Can We Get Backlinks From The Same Website Over And Over Again?

So, before we start let me show you the correlation between the backlinks and ranking in the Google SERP results through one of my client’s websites. 

This is the screenshot of the total number of backlinks in Google webmaster.

Screenshot of backlinks

Now, see the average position below.

Average position of a site

As you can see there is very little fluctuation in the ranking graph just because of the strong backlinks and good On-Page SEO. 

So, backlinks help every webmaster to improve and maintain their average position in the SERP, especially when you are in a competitive industry. 

What Is A Backlink?

Search engine spiders crawl new web pages every day to find the freshest and the most useful data for their users. So, these giants need the newest and relevant data daily.

Also, these spiders go and crawl data from the high authority websites because of qualitative content and years of trust. 

The backlink is like an online upvote from a high authority website to your website. From the search engine point of view, backlinks help to recognize the quality and relevance of a new website.

More backlinks mean more upvotes to your domain. Hence, it will improve and maintain your SERP rankings. 

4 Types Of Backlinks

There are 4 types of backlinks with different Html tags. But, which one would be the most effective and relevant for your website?  

You will be able to identify the best one for your website after knowing the behavior of these backlinks and the consideration of the Google algorithm.

Nofollow Links

The Html tag rel=”nofollow” tells the search engine bots not to crawl or follow the link. It means when a website gives a backlink to you with a tag of “nofollow” then you are not going to get any authority (Link Juice) from that site.

In simple words, it is helpful for the users to click on that link and come to your website but you’re not going to do well in the SERP through these kinds of backlinks.

Because search engines take them as a hint.

Dofollow Links

A backlink with Html tag rel=”dofollow” tells the search engines that they can follow the link further. It means they pass authority to your website and your search engine rankings will be improved drastically.

These type of backlinks are helpful to get traffic as well as ranking boost. But, it is hard to get backlinks from high authority websites with the “dofollow” Html tag. 

User-generated Links

Comments and posts of the users are treated as user-generated content. And, when they drop a link are known as user-generated links.

Usually, we see these kinds of links on forum platforms. Due to this, people may spread spam and many platforms faced this problem in the past. 

These spammy links can affect the reputation as well as ranking in the SERP of a specific website. So, what Google does is avoid these links to follow and take them as a hint.

Google may crawl, index, and change rankings if the content would be found original and useful otherwise it wouldn’t impact any changes in the website’s rankings.

Sponsored Links

Brands approach big bloggers or webmasters to get a dofollow link. They give money, product, service, etc to a webmaster to actually buy backlinks.

Because they want to improve their SERP rankings. Higher SERP rankings tend to bring more traffic to their website and a strong online reputation.

This is the wrong way to improve a website’s ranking and it pollutes SERP (search engine result page). So, Google launched a new Html tag rel=”sponsored”. 

It means if a website owner passes a link to another website in return for money, product, or service then they have to mention the tag sponsored. So, Google can understand that it is a paid link.

If a website owner ignores the guidelines and does not mention the sponsor tag then the website may get penalized in the SERP. 

Why Do You Need A Backlink?  

Backlinks are like the pillars of your building. The stronger pillars have more chances that your building will last longer. 

In short, we can say backlinks help a website to improve its ranking, traffic, sale, etc. Also, it shows search engines how much trusted your site is because more people are linking to your website over and over again.

Can We Get Backlinks From The Same Website Over And Over Again?

Yes, you can get backlinks from the same website again and again. But, let me explain to you a bit more so you can actually understand the logic of this. 

Basically, content is the king in the online world. Whenever we approach someone to get a backlink we provide them one of the following things:-

  • Content Piece:- This is the most effective and common way to get a backlink.
  • Money:- You’ll get a sponsored link in return.
  • Product:- Again, you’ll get a sponsored link in return.
  • Service:- Another way to get a link with a sponsored Html tag.
  • Linkback:- When you link back the website from which you get a backlink (it comes under link scheme).

In the initial days, most of the bloggers or webmasters choose the first option to get a link. So, if you can generate a quality content piece with pure originality for a guest post then you can get a backlink for this.

Because you’re adding value to someone’s site so you deserve a backlink or credit for that. Now, if you can generate another unique valuable content piece then again you deserve a new backlink.

In short, you just have to create content pieces for others and in return, you’ll get backlinks (link juice, authority, credibility). 


Don’t run behind the numbers and don’t try to get thousands of backlinks. Just focus on the quality backlinks from high authority websites. This will help you to improve your SERP ranking, traffic, and profit.

Building quality backlinks for a particular website takes time. And, you have to keep patience if you really want to compete with your competitors.

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