Most of us use Facebook to get engaged with our friends and family. Right?

But, have you ever thought that Facebook can help you to make real money?

If not? Then in this blog, I’ll tell you 15 ways how you can make real money from Facebook.

Yes, let’s start!

Can Facebook Really Make You Money?

Before we proceed further let me show you a screenshot of my earnings. This amount has been earned through one of the techniques which I’m going to share with you. 

Facebook pays its publishers after reaching the threshold amount of $100. So, I got my payment after crossing the amount of $100.

Requirements To Start Earning From Facebook?

As a publisher, you can’t randomly post something on Facebook to start earning. Actually, it is a real business and you need to build your own community with a strong relationship.  

You should have a Facebook fan page or Facebook group to actually become successful. Only a loyal audience can help you to earn real money. 

4 things which you need understand to start earning money from Facebook are listed below:-

  • Select Niche
  • Identify Targeted Audience
  • Produce Valuable Content
  • Build A Relationship

Select Niche:- Selecting a growing niche on any social media platform is important because it gives an organic push to your content. The same principle is applicable to Facebook. 

So, select your niche wisely. 

Identify Targeted Audience:- Understanding the behavior and the demographics are necessary to target the right audience according to your goals and content. 

Produce Valuable Content:- Content is the king. So, you have to produce valuable content as much as you can. That’s how you’ll be able to build a relationship with your audience.

If you can’t add value to the lives of your community members then you won’t get successful. 

Build A Relationship:- Produce high-quality content, reply to your fans, observe your insights to better understand your audience demand. All these things will help you to build a strong relationship with your Facebook community.  

10 Ways To Earn Money From Facebook

#1 Video Monetisation

Facebook allows video creators to monetize their content through Facebook pre-roll ads, mid-roll ads, and image ads. 

It means video creators can publish their own created videos on Facebook fan pages and can make money.

But, honestly. you can only earn meaningful revenue if you have a large and loyal viewership. 

Also, you need to complete Facebook video monetization eligibility to be eligible for video monetization. 

The amount of $106 mentioned in the above screenshot is earned by Facebook video monetization

Pro Tip ►By posting high-quality videos regularly, you can rank your videos on Facebook watch and can get millions of views easily. 

#2 Instant Articles

Facebook facilitates publishers to monetize their Facebook page audience through instant articles. 

Basically, you create a website and start writing articles about it. After producing enough articles you integrate your website with your Facebook fan page and get approval from Facebook.

After getting the approval from Facebook you can share your articles with your fans and if they open an article and clicks on an ad, you’ll get paid for every single click like Google Adsense.

But, there are some Instant articles policies which you should read before diving into instant articles.

Pro Tip ► Write trendy articles because trendy topics get more clicks on Facebook. And, more clicks will make you more money.

#3 Affiliate Marketing Through Facebook

Affiliate marketing is another way to earn money from Facebook. Simply, create a Facebook page or group or both and start growing them. 

With time, when you start building a relationship with your fans you can refer to the third-party brand products or services according to your niche and their needs. 

You can start with Amazon and Facebook to learn the basics of affiliate marketing. 

Don’t know how to start? Guide To Amazon Affiliate Marketing On Facebook can help you. 

Pro Tip ►Most Facebook users use Facebook for entertainment purposes. You can sell lifestyle and fashion related products over Facebook easily.

#4 Sponsorship

Sponsorship refers to companies asking you to refer or mention their brand product or service in your blog or video. 

They can pay you in return, offer you their product or service for free, or anything else according to their approach and goal. 

Don’t worry you don’t need to find sponsors, even they’ll automatically approach you when you start getting a good amount of traffic on your blogs or videos.

Pro Tip ►The more traffic you have the more big brands will start approaching you. 

#5 Drive Traffic To Your Website With Facebook Ads

Maybe you have a great business website and an amazing specially-designed landing page to convert visitors into active customers then you should drive traffic to your website.

Facebook ads can help you with this. You can drive traffic to your business website or eCommerce store to sell services or products. 

A well-optimized ad can boost your conversions and can increase your profit drastically. So, it depends upon the ROI (return on investment).

If you are getting more conversions or high profitable conversions from Facebook ads then keep running your ads at a high budget.

Pro Tip ► If you have big margins in your products or services then definitely you should try this method. 

#6 Sell Facebook Traffic

You can drive tons of users to the same niche website with a big Facebook page or group. 

Basically, if you don’t want to create a website but still have a large engaging audience then you can sell that traffic.

Yes, you can drive your loyal audience to a website through Facebook stories, link sharing, etc. 

But, if you already tried it and your website link has been blocked then learn how to unblock your domain or website from Facebook.

To start selling traffic you can follow these steps:

  • Add a promotional cover image to your page.
  • Join digital marketing related groups and post your offer.
  • Contact small businesses near you and keep your proposal.
  • Search businesses on Google related to your niche and ask them for traffic.

Pro Tip ► Always drive traffic to the same niche website and don’t try to share too many links on your page because it may kill your engagement rate. 

#7 Posting Work For Big Pages

All social platforms are getting strict day-by-day and you can’t build and grow a new Facebook page or group if you can’t produce valuable content. 

But, if you can produce quality content but don’t want to start from zero then you can approach big pages and ask them to post.

Send a proposal and ask them to post on their pages on monthly wages. That’s how you can earn and learn something just by simply producing electronic content. 

Pro Tip ► Your proposal should be in a natural and humble tone. Try to approach 15 pages every day and a few of them will definitely reply to you.  

#8 Sell Your Products Through Marketplace

If you have a real physical store and you have your own products (old or used) then you can sell them on the Facebook marketplace

Anyone can list their products on the marketplace for free and Facebook automatically starts serving your listing to the most interested audience.

Also, you can run personalized ads on the Facebook marketplace to boost your sales. This can be a profitable technique for you on Facebook if you have your own products.

Pro Tip ► If you have a large variety of your products then definitely you should try this one. 

#9 Combination Of Google Adsense And Facebook 

If you enabled Google Adsense ads on your blog and got a good CTR (click-through-rate) then you can use the combination of Google Adsense and Facebook.

If you have a big group or FB page then you can share your blog link over there to get traffic else you can run Facebook ads to drive traffic to your website. 

Pro Tip ► Share 4 to 5 valuable pieces of content to your targeted audience every day and then share two or three links per day to maintain your engagement.

#10 Video Live Streaming

Facebook pushing video content, especially live videos. If you can stream quality live videos then you can build a community fast.

Have you ever seen Youtube gaming channels who stream live gaming videos like PUBG or Counter-Strike, etc?

People see their streams and donate them. Right?

Similarly, you can get donations from your fans or viewers through your Facebook fan page. Also, you can get sponsorships and In-stream ads to maximize your revenue.

Pro Tip ►Gaming channels and news channels (real news channels) grow fast on Facebook.

#11 Ask For Donations From Your Fans

Building a loyal community is not easy. You need to produce quality content consistently without irritating your viewers with annoying ads.

After winning the heart of a big and loyal community you can monetize it in so many ways and one of them is “Ask For Donations”.

People love to Donate to those whom they love so much. This is another way to make money from your Facebook audience.

Pro Tip ► Ask for donations in return for your content. 

#12 Sell Courses

As a skilled person, you can prepare your own course and directly sell it on Facebook through Facebook ads. 

People making huge profits through this business. They simply prepare a problem-solving course and then they run ads to target the most relevant audience. 

You can do the same and trust me, if your course would be valuable and affordable then results will be mind-blowing 

Pro Tip ► Prepare a problem-solving course, not a selfish one. And, run lead ads to get maximum conversions. 

How You Should Not Make Money On Facebook

Facebook is a great social platform to earn money in a legit way but there are some illegitimate ways to earn money that are against Facebook community guidelines.

Illegitimate ways to earn money from Facebook

If you try to earn money from below mentioned methods then Facebook can disable your accounts, unpublish your Facebook fan page, remove your Facebook group, and so on.

#1 Buying/Selling Of Facebook Accounts

Some people create fake Facebook accounts and sell them to third-party. Third-parties buy these accounts to generate traffic for their videos, articles, or to make their content viral on Facebook by cheating the algorithm.

All these practices are prohibited on Facebook. Hence, you will be tracked by your IP address, user agent (browser), device, or location.

After tracking and identifying these suspicious activities, the Facebook algorithm may disable your accounts.

#2 Buying/Selling Of Facebook Pages

Buying/Selling of Facebook pages is also an illegitimate way to make money because Facebook doesn’t allow anyone to buy and sell Facebook pages. 

If you do so and giving ownership of so many pages to the third person then the algorithm can lock down your account and may unpublish your pages as a punishment. 

So, never try to buy/sell Facebook pages because, in the end, you’ll get nothing. 

#3 Misleading Your Audience For CTR (Click-Through-Rate)

More traffic has a direct relationship with higher earnings. A content piece with a good CTR tends to get more traffic.

Optimizing your content for higher CTR is good and necessary. But, some people start misleading the audience by click-baiting. 

If you show different content in the preview and your audience landing on an unexpected page after clicking on your content piece then it will be considered misleading. 


Earning money from Facebook is not hard if you have the skills and potential to build value-added content for mankind.

Some people think that they can cheat algorithms and can make millions of dollars but it’s not gonna happen.

If you really want to earn for the long term then totally focus on the quality content and relationship with your audience.

This is the only and the best way to make millions of dollars in a legit way.

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