This ebook consists of the strategy and the practices you should perform for the purpose of ad optimization. Proper understanding and implementation of this ebook can save you thousands of dollars on ad spend and can improve your ROAS (return on ad spend) drastically.

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Archit Gupta
Archit Gupta
Read More, Audit report was really great. We have learned so many things about our website and competitors, that made us rethink our strategy. Believe me, this is the best place to get the website audit service.
Mandeep Singh
Mandeep Singh
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Our site has greatly improved in the last few months. I blindly followed the site audit report by edmfeed and fixed all the issues we got a list of. Now, my health blog's organic traffic has been increased by 13.9%.
Rohit Kashyap
Rohit Kashyap
Jetminds Web Services
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Site audit service is like a medical checkup of a website that helps us to diagnose site health problems. And, to be honest it really increases performance and ranking in SERP.

Site Audit Service


Site audit refers to checking all the general and technical issues of a site. There could be major issues which may affect your overall site performance in the SERP or there could be issues in your main pages by which you can get more business.

So, site audit is a report of the overall website’s health.