The Simplest Facebook Funnel That Works For Services-Based Businesses

Facebook has a variety of audiences with different interests, demographics, and behavior.  Different industries have a different lead per cost, CPA (cost per action), and customer acquisition cost.  To get the results on Facebook you need a systematic approach and a Facebook funnel. In the majority of cases, a non-systematic approach never gets you success on Facebook.   But, as a beginner how can you build a strong verified funnel that converts well.  Basically, you can create multiple funnels but it...

by Gursharan Singh read more

Buyer’s Persona: What It Is? What Are The Benefits? How To Make One?

What Is A Buyer's Persona? Buyer’s persona refers to the data-based or semi-fictional profile of a customer that shows demographic, interest, challenges, and decision-making factors.  For better understanding, we can say that a buyer’s persona can describe age, gender, interest, location, device type, pain points, goals, and more.  A buyer persona is also known as a customer persona or marketing persona. An organization could have multiple buyer personas. But, as a small business, the right approach is to start with...

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4 Websites To Do Keyword Research For An eCommerce Store

Importance Of Keyword Research In An Ecommerce Store Like any other content piece, Google and other search engines show product listings as a content piece to the relevant searchers.  But, to appear for those searches a listing should be eligible. And, in the eligibility criteria, one of the biggest factors is relevance for the keyword.  If a listing has the right keywords, images, and product that people are searching for then there are more chances that search engines will display...

by Gursharan Singh read more

What Is Facebook Audience Overlap And How To Resolve This?

For some businesses, Facebook is a boon because they are totally dependent upon Facebook ads.  You can get less expensive traffic from Facebook and can generate 5x to 10x ROI (Return on investment).  It sounds good because we think that there are millions of users and we can generate trillions of dollars through it but that’s not the case.  Not every user is your potential customer and along with this you face some problems on Facebook and one of them...

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Facebook Ad “Learning Limited” Status: What It Is And How To Solve This Issue?

As an advertiser, we create ads on Facebook and they go into the review. After review, they might get approved, rejected, or can show learning status or learning limited status.  All these statuses have a meaning like what Facebook artificial intelligence thinks about our ad.  For instance, approved means our ad is not breaching any Facebook advertising policy and it is approved.  Whereas a rejected message clearly shows that our ad is not appropriate for the audience on Facebook so...

by Gursharan Singh read more

4 SEO Ranking Factors That Are Directly Related To Content

SEO is a type of long-term marketing strategy which has haters and lovers both at the same time. Some people measure the success of the SEO on the basis of cost vs sales they receive from organic traffic on a monthly basis.  Some people love it because the way it gives returns in the long term is really magical and some people hate it because their business type is different and it can’t survive in the long run if they...

by Gursharan Singh read more

What Is Content Distribution? Why Is It Important?

In today’s world, digital content is something by which you can share your thoughts, words, imagination, creativity and can hook your targeted audience quickly.  This content or electronic content could be in the form of text-based, images, podcasts, audiobooks, files, and videos.  Content is simply something that exists online and can educate or influence a human brain to take an action.   So, content creation can give you happiness, fame, money, etc.  What Is Content Distribution?  As a content creator or...

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3 Best Ways To Enhance Youtube Keyword Research For Videos

YouTube announces 3 new tips to enhance keyword research for videos. Is your video not getting any views or not getting a stable ranking on the selected keywords?    Or you are a creator but don’t know what is trending and what most of the audience is watching on youtube., more than 60% of the content creators on youtube don’t know about the keywords they have used in their videos & most of them use keywords with no search traffic. It...

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How To Get International SEO Clients? 5 Steps Guide

INTRODUCTION  In the 21st century, everyone is very well accustomed to the term "Globalization". This phenomenon has largely affected all the service and industry sectors worldwide. I mean who won't like to expand his business if one can increase the trade of his goods and services?  Hence, this article is all about forming a rock-hard strategy for international digital marketing which will let you build clients and links overseas.  Before discussing the practical method for forming a marketing strategy, you...

by Gursharan Singh read more

Now Increase Your Facebook Post Reach With Hashtags

Facebook has started encouraging Hashtags again, which has meant that Facebook is reconsidering the Hashtags. So the question is, should we use Hashtags on Facebook and would they be beneficial? Or would there be any improvement in reach or not? Facebook had brought the hashtags in ‘2013’ because they were trending on Twitter. But, users were not that interested in using those hashtags in their posts and to search the posts by using these hashtags. Then in 2016` there was...

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